RTP 2.0: Adding Value With Payment Origination & Innovation


As financial institutions continue to connect to the RTP® network, The Clearing House continues to make strides toward modernization and innovation. In the first half of 2022 alone, they launched a pilot for immediate cross-border payments, added a new tokenization capability, and raised the RTP limit to $1m.

In this Credit Union Times hosted webinar, Keith Gray, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at The Clearing House, and Mark Majeske, SVP of Faster Payments at Alacriti discussed what’s to come with the RTP network, including:

  • What new features and functionality will be available on the TCH RTP network
  • Insight into the cross-border real-time payments pilot
  • How to integrate real-time payments into your current interface
  • Moving to Send and productization—fraud prevention, Document Exchange, funding agents, Request for Payment, tokenization, etc.

Complete the form to watch the webinar playback.

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